BEN Young

The real experience

GM Diet for Diabetics

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There are certain moments in life, which define the remaining moments in your life. As we grow older, these moments are inevitable and harder to ignore. The first time someone learns that they have a condition like diabetes, it can be emotionally very difficult to cope with the fact that life as you knew it has to stop and restrictions have to be placed in order for you to survive this challenge.

Being diagnosed with Diabetes is far from being the Shakespearean tragedy that most people make it out to be. Nevertheless, it is a serious condition, which can have other disturbing effects if it is not curtailed in time. Therefore, there are three things one must ensure are implemented right away once you are diagnosed.

First, surround yourself with positive energy. The family certainly helps. If you don't live in a joint household, then interact more with friends your age to get all the positive energy and encouragement you can get to turn your life around.

Second, organize your diet chart. It doesn't matter how old you may be. If you are diagnosed, it is time to fix the problem. The root cause of this is condition is the eating habits of the urban community. The processed foods and calorie rich foods are slowly eating away at the future of this planet. You need to be in shape and be fit. Start following the GM Diet plan once every month. This is a week-long plan, which is not based on limiting your quantity of food intake. It is supposed to help detoxify the system and help you lose at least 5 kilograms or 12 pounds during the course of the week. The remainder of the month, focus on low-calorie diet. You can have a cheat day once a week for the remaining three weeks of the month.

The third step is to complement the diet with a regular exercise routine. If you wish to live a healthy life going forward, there can be no compromise on this point. Organize your routine, to make enough room for some physical exercise daily for at least an hour. Whether it is brisk walking or running on the treadmill, get your heart pumping and sweat away the excess calories. It is also important to exercise to ensure the weight loss from the diet stays effective.

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